John Carcer
Watch out
Step out the function
Leave you dead out in the open
Cut up in a body bag
Don't take the piss or you'll make me mad
Get skunked get fucked
I couldn't give less about the rough shit u do
Fist clutch
Face fuck
Disfigured in the membrane
That's how you left up on chains
On chains on chains on chains
Watch out and step out the function

Start shit
You gonna get your throat slit
Step in my lane, make you wish you never woke bitch

Wanting me to hide I'm gonna put you in a coffin
Stepping to my height, ill chop you down
George Washington
Buzz too high
Bitch you need a fucking Klonopin
Crawling in the dead of night
I'll take your fuckin oxygen
Glowing up I'll take your light
Rotten vessel glorified
Kill me bitch lets see you try

Putting you into the earth and bury seven feet of garbage
Wanting breath but dirt goes over yelling
Please stop it please

I'm gonna hit you at the knees and spread you out
Like taxidermy
Mara and Carcer
Rollin past this shit is harmful
He's a fuckin bird brain
Punch him till he puffin
Calling out for help but sound is
Gurgling your bloodstream
I can taste the past remains of when
I opened up your flesh
You cannot escape it when I am pulling at your neck
Little bitch