Yung Buttpiss
Autism Speaks Should Stfu
It’s ya boy, Yung Buttpiss
Fuck you, Autism Speaks
Y’all treat autism like it’s a disease
You fuckers shouldn’t be allowed to breathe
Suck my fucking peen
You fucking dickweeds
I’m running out of patience
There’s only a small percent of your donations
Goes to the autistic nation
All the rest is used for your vacations
Fuck your little crack whore-ganization
Like Jesus fucking Christ
An entire charity that’s fucking ableist
Who the fuck enabled this?
Your CEO isn’t even autistic
So he can suck this dick
There isn’t a single autistic person on your board
So when it comes to them, you slam the fucking door
I fucking hatе you people to my core
If еverybody knew your lore
They would not support you anymore, for example:
You encouraged mothers to abort
Their autistic kid before they’re born
You fucking assholes claim to spread autism awareness
But you’re really trying to “repair” it
When nothing was really broken
You dipshits are fucking bogus
Why don’t you redirect your focus
Instead of being fucking locus
Because just like a locust
You’ve done a lot of damage and shit
You’re trying to prevent the growth of autistic kids
So Autism Speaks could suck my neurodivergent dick
Any and all proceeds for this diss track
Will be donated to the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network
Because what’s a bigger “fuck you” to Autism Speaks
Than shitting on them with my cheap brand of toilet humor
While exposing them and donating to a charity
Who actually gives a fuck about people with autism
And I encourage you people to donate to
Thank you