Yung Poggerz
Child Toucher
Lyrics from snippet

[Verse 1]
James Charles is a child toucher
He likes to "do it" with your brother
He also is a pedophile
He deserves to be thrown in the nile
James Charles needs to be arrested
He probably should get the death sentence
He loves to touch little babies
He probably gave them all rabies

[Verse 2]
Michael Jackson was a virgin
He lost it to a little person
He also is a child toucher
He probably touched your little brother
He hits the hee-hee on the high notes
But he goes low-low on the crib though
He only wants to touch kids
Because adults are "just mid"

[Verse 3]
Joe Biden is a sex offender
He sticks kidussy in a blender
He had an affair last December
But did not know just where to send her
The gas prices are getting higher
Like his dick when he sees a child
He's in the White House jerkin’ off
While little children suck him off
[Verse 4]
Jared Fogle is a pervert
Fucks children like his name is Herbert

[Verse 5]
R. Kelly