Here we are. We're back again
I thought time might mend
But it seems to me that all good things must end
We sense dissent. (We hunt its scent)
We rip. We rend
Till it's torn to shreds
Why can't we see for once what we've done?
We went to war and no one won
Is this your sick idea of fun?
Seeing just which ties can be undone
Please, just tell me why we're here
If all you do is point and jeer
Your cries of pity aren't sincеre
That's clear
I can't tell if you can see this psychopathy
Seeping through thе trite you're spewing
"They grew the stem." "They breathe, we condemn."
"Oh, it's Us vs. Them."
And what really stings the most is that I know
That I'm the one who let this grow
It ferments and festers oh, so slow
But still, I let this hatred flow
And sure, we'll hurt. And sure, we'll die
But I really thought that we'd be fine
As long as we could just be kind, alike
But then again, it's not the end
Save the sour laments
'cos maybe it's too late to make amends
But I'd rather try, and lose this fight
Than just stand aside
So, I'll go and put myself in the light
Find the time. Fight this quiet
I'm tired of standing idly by
I don't wanna pick a side
And maybe, I'm just naive
And this is how it's meant to be;
Crushed beneath the enmity
Contempt without remedy
Choose a side. Prepare to fight
There's no end in sight
Why can't we just get along tonight?
Grab a seat, and pour a drink and come sing along with me
We'll help us see
We can't be crushed. We can be free