Ella Fitzgerald
Vote For Mr. Rhythm
Vote for Mister Rhythm, raise up your voice
And vote for Mister Rhythm, the people's choice!

You'll be happy with 'im, take my advice
And vote for Mister Rhythm, I'm voting twice!

Everyone's a friend of his
His campaign slogan is
Change your woe
Into a [scat]

Vote for Mister Rhythm, let freedom ring
And soon we'll all be singing, “of thee I swing!"

Now when I'd say vote for Mister Rhythm
You all know I mean Chick Webb
That's all, my friends, I came to state
But now listen to a noble candidate!

Now that's the platform we're running on
We promise to swing it from now on
Fellow citizens, all right follow me
And vote for Mister Rhythm jamboree

Everyone's a friend of his
His campaign slogan is
Change your woe
Into a [scat]
Vote for Mister Rhythm, let freedom ring
And soon we'll all be singing, “of thee I swing!"