John Webster
The Devil’s Law Case ACT 3. SCENE 1.
The action takes place at Naples
Enter Ariosto, Crispiano.
Well sir, now I must claim your promise,
To reveal to me the cause why you live
Thus clouded.
Sir, the King of Spain
Suspects that your Romelio here, the merchant,
Has discover'd some gold mine to his own use,
In the West Indies, and for that employs me
To discover in what part of Christendom
He vents this treasure. Besides, he is inform'd
What mad tricks has been played of late by ladies.
Most true, and I am glad the King has heard on't.
Why, they use their lords as if they were their wards;
And as your Dutchwomen in the Low Countries,
Take all and pay all, and do keep their husbands
So silly all their lives of their own estates,
That when they are sick, and come to make their will,
They know not precisely what to give away
From their wives, because they know not what they are worth:
So here should I repeat what factions,
What bat-fowling for offices,
As you must conceive their game is all i'th' night,
What calling in question one another's honesties,
Withal what sway they bear i'th' Viceroy's court,
You'd wonder at it: 'twill do well shortly,
Can we keep them off being of our
Council of War.
Well, I have vow'd
That I will never sit upon the bench more,
Unless it be to curb the insolencies
Of these women.
Well, take it on my word then,
Your place will not long be empty.