Claude-Michel Schönberg
The Second Attack
[ENJOLRAS, spoken]

How do we stand, Feuilly?
Make your report

We've guns enough
But ammunition's short

I will go into the streets
There are bodies all around
Ammunition to be had
Lots of bullets to be found

I can't let you go
It's too much of a chance

And the same is true
For any man here
Let me go
He's no more than a boy
I am old
I have nothing to fear

You need somebody quicker
And I volunteer!

[GAVROCHE is already climbing the barricade.]

Come back, Gavroche, don't you dare!

Someone pull him down right now!

Look at me, I'm almost there!

[ENJOLRAS, spoken]

[A gunshot. It misses.]
Little peoplе know
When little peoplе fight
We may look easy pickings
But we got some bite

[Another gunshot. GAVROCHE is wounded.]

We'll fight like twenty armies
And we won't give up
So you'd better run for cover
When the pup grows—

[A final gunshot. GAVROCHE dies.]

[ENJOLRAS, spoken]