Claude-Michel Schönberg
Back in Town
Coo Coo Princess, look who's here
Your resurrected Engineer
Don't ask me how I tracked you down
Who has the sharpest nose in town?
I'm here to throw a rope before you drown
For men will always be men
You change the regime, the lust doesn't stop
You and I will team up again
Together we'll reap the cream of the crop
Engineer, I don't want you here
I gave up that life, you must understand
Out that door is a big shot who waits
Like a pup to come up and eat out of your hand
Kim, the good times are back
Don't go on, it's too late
Not too late for my star
Please let me hide in peace
Better to screw the police
Come in, Monsieur Commissar
Three years I've been away
I kept faith we would meet
Me, I found her for you
You, out in the street
I knew in time fate would weave a design
Tying your life and mine into one
Each day I'd wait, like a soldier must wait
Trusting victory to come with the sun
After the fight in the still of the night
I would picture my bride, bright as jade
You'll be my wife, we will build a new life
And fulfill the vow our fathers made
My father's vow I can't honor today
And I pray in my heart he'll forgive
What you want now are some words I can't say
If I lied to you how could I live?
Don't say any more
Not a word
You can change
You can learn
Look at me
Don't decide too soon
Somewhere deep in my soul
Shines the smallest of lights
And no wind blows it out
It burns steady and strong
Through the darkest of nights
Dju vui vay
Yu doi my
Dju vui vay
Vao nyay moy
I made a promise once with these words
Which neither time nor distance has changed
He will come to me still
You must be mad, your American Jack
Is gone for good and he'll never come back
They ran away with the skin they could save
The ones who stayed here are dead in a grave
Come on now, Princess, get off of your cloud
I'm sorry, sir, she was talking so loud
The Commissar is a powerful man
A girl with brains makes a life where she can
Princess, remember your place
Don't make people lose face
Why do you look away?
I can end all this shame
All you need say is "Yes"
On silent feet it came
You hear those soldiers outside?
Breathing a sheet of flame
They'll do whatever I say (It came)
Closing in on its rightful prey
I cannot change what I feel
[SOLDIERS & THUY, spoken]
Burning a hundred years away (Come inside)
I think you will change before my eyes (To camp! To camp!)
The traitors to the camps
This me-my has just been found
She hid the day we closed the bars
Show her that we don't forget
No one betrays us without scars
You are a woman who lived without shame
You're an infection left over from war
You have dishonored the national name
Reeducation will cure the disease
You must be shown what we do to a leech
See how we teach an American's whore
I have heard hundreds of speeches like these
Take it from me, you don't want to hear more!
It's time to act, my friends, it's time
Her face betrays her crime
She must pay, and her partner too?
Are you waiting for them to kill me?
Did you not get what he said?
There's a big screw loose inside you
I will rip it out of your head
There's a mad dog on the rampage
If you think he'll change, save your breath
Just say "Yes," I don't care if you love him
Princess, life has it all over death!
I have a husband I love
Real as the sun in the sky
I cannot live with a lie
Do you see now who has power?
Do you still think crazy things?
Chris will come to me like the phoenix
And he'll take me off on his wings
You're a traitor to your country
If I am, then let it be
I am talking of life or death now
I am talking of staying free
So there it is now, I'll be moving on
If you don't need me, I'd rather be gone
Two kids in love don't need strangers around
You just get out
Right, I won't make a sound
And as for you
Come with me
[KIM, spoken]
There is a secret
That you don't know
There is a force here
I never show
You say it's treason
To keep my vow
Season after season
I survived somehow
If you want the reason
I will show you now
[KIM, spoken]
[KIM pulls back the curtain and out runs TAM, a scared two year old boy. KIM hugs him.]
Look, Thuy, this is my son
He has kept me alive
Now you see why
I must tell you "No!"