Claude-Michel Schönberg
The Wedding
[MARIUS and COSETTE lead a wedding procession.]

Ring out the bells upon this day of days
May all the angels of the Lord above
In jubilation (In)
Sing their songs of praise (Jubilation, sing their songs of praise)
And crown this
Blessed time with peace and love (And crown this blessed time)
(With peace and love)

[The procession becomes a dancing celebration. A waltz is played.]

[MAJOR DOMO, spoken]
The Baron and the Baroness de Thénard
Wish to pay their respects to the groom

I forget where we met
Was it not at the Chateau Lafarge
Where the Duke did that puke
Down the Duchess's décolletage?

No, "Baron de Thénard"
The circles I move in are humbler by far
Go away, Thénardier
Do you think I don't know who you are?
He's not fooled, told you so
Show Monsieur what you've come here to show
Tell the boy what you know

Pity to disturb you at a feast like this
But five hundred francs surely wouldn't come amiss

In God's name, say what you have to say

But first you pay!


What I saw, clear as light
Jean Valjean in the sewer that night
Had this corpse on his back
Hanging there like a bloody great sack
I was there, never fear
Even found me this fine souvenir

[THÉNARDIER shows MARIUS a ring.]
I know this, this was mine
This is surely some heavenly sign

One thing more, mark this well
It was the night that the barricades fell

Then it's true, then I'm right
Jean Valjean was my savior that night
As for you, take this too

[MARIUS punches THÉNARDIER, then throws money at him.]

[THÉNARDIER, spoken]

God forgive us the things that we do
Come my love

[COSETTE, spoken]
What are you doing?

Come Cosette!
This day's blessings are not over yet
[THÉNARDIER, spoken]
We're going


[THÉNARDIER, spoken]
We're going

I don't wanna go

[THÉNARDIER, spoken]
We're going

I wanna dance!