Car Seat Headrest
Razer Blade Stealth Unboxing + UA Apollo Twin Review
[Part 1]

Hi everybody and welcome to my unboxing
of the Razers Stealth... Razer Blade Stealth 2019.
Yesterday my MacBook Pro 2015 started crashing
after I tried to install Mojave on it,
and I decided that I was done with Apple
and I'm never gonna buy another Apple product again.

So today at 10 a.m. I went to Best Buy
and picked up this Razer Blade Stealth 2019
I'd heard some good things about it,
read some good things about it
and uh just decided to go for it.

So I actually opened the box already a little bit
before I decided to do this unboxing
so just pretend that you know if you get yours
it's going to be sealed, it should be sealed.
Um.... if it's not you should probably take it back. It's
gonna be sealed by tape that you'll have to cut...

Uh... For gamers, by gamers. I'm not a gamer,
but I have read that what makes it good for gaming
also makes it good for music production.
So I'm gonna open it up... uh,
"Welcome to the cult of Razer" I don't
like that. I don't uh, don't like the sound of that.
But we'll see what's up inside here.

Uh we have a little black box, opens up nicely.
And uh... I think this is the power?
Yes, so this is the power adapter.

Razer logo.

Nice, thin, wire, hopefully uh will prove durable.
Looks like uh looks like it could be.
This is the... plug that goes into them, yeah.
So I'm gonna just uh... take these out.
This has a nice little cl- rubber clasp that you can uh...
clasp your adapter with. Oh it's pretty... fairly long um,
and that's not even counting the actual plug
which will be plugged into it. I'm gonna plug it in.
Looks like they went with the standard US three
prong plug, gonna plug that in. Let's see if this reaches.
It doesn't really reach that well with my current
desk configuration, but I'll make it work somehow.

Alright, and... now it looks like the only other thing
in the box is the laptop itself which I do like.
I like simplicity, I don't like a bunch of pieces of
paper and plastic that I don't know what the fuck
I'm gonna do with so I have to just keep it in the box.
Um, nice foam pads protecting the computer.
This is actually a box which hopefully contains the laptop.
Smaller box within the box.

"Thank you for choosing a Razer system
the dedication we put into engineering this
high-performance system extends into
aftercare, we have a committed customer
support team at your disposal."

That's good, one of the reasons I decided
not to work with Apple anymore is I took
it to the Apple store yesterday.
Was actually the second time in about a
month I've had to go to the Apple store
because I also wanted to get my phone
battery replaced, and it was just miserable.

You know, you go in and you have to make an
appointment, you can't really set a date or a time
you just say put me in whenever you can and then
they text you. And you have about ten minutes to
get there once they text you, and you have no idea
when, could be three hours, two hours, four hours,
and if you miss it, you miss it.
And this was terrible.

I don't want to spend a whole day hanging around in the mall waiting for a text from Apple and then to spend another hour sitting inside the Apple store for my shit to get fixed.
And that's what I had to do for the second time yesterday,
and they didn't fix my laptop, they just took it and told me it would probably be done by the next day.

And it is the next day it's about noon
and I haven't gotten a call, well it's 11 a.m,
but I haven't gotten a call from them.
And honestly at this point I don't really care.
They're probably either going to have to
wipe my laptop, or just tell me that it's
broken and that I need to buy a new one,
and if they do that I will laugh in
their face because I've already got a
new laptop from one of their competitors.

So here is the actual laptop, and there's
a little thing underneath it before we
get into the laptop. Looks like a uh... little
instruction manual. This is all very
nicely packaged, I appreciate the
packaging here. Well... here's a few pieces of...
I said I didn't like this stuff and I'm
gonna uh... stick to that because I don't know
what this is. Oh, it's a little felt for
cleaning the screen, I think. Uh... this is cool. Um...
the screen is a touch screen so it's
gonna get a little grimy.
So I appreciate that.

Sticker: not– not as important,
especially because... there's already uh... the
green design, on here. Am I gonna put two
on this computer? Probably not. Um.. so that's
a little waste– wasteful.

Uh, another piece of paper with very small
text on it. Uh... "Join us on Razer insider
at" ...Probably
not. Uh... and then yes, here is a manual, again
nicely presented. Um... just describing how
your computer works. This is the only
really meaningful piece of paper that
you need, the rest of this is just kind
of crap.

But, now we have the computer
itself. And it is just packaged in a
light shrink wrap which looks like it'll
be easy to remove. Just pull on this,
opens like a briefcase, and you can slide
the computer out.

Actually I kind of wanted the silver model because it
doesn't have the green sticky. Um, this is a
little gamery. Uh, it's on the gamery
side, and I wasn't so sure about it. But.
you know, I'm probably gonna get a
protective case for it anyways, so it really doesn't matter.

Is this is still filming? Yes, we're still filming.

And... so it opens on this side.
Protective sheet. The power button is
right in the center here. I don't know if uh...
I guess I should look at the instructions.
But it does power on right away.
I might've made a mistake in doing that
though. Maybe on the well I'll plug it in. And it plugs...
right here. And right now it's still just powering on.

Turns out most of this is in
foreign languages so the actual English
section of this is pretty– pretty minimal.

"For the first time use please fully
charge your Razer Blade Stealth our
connect it to a power outlet before
turning it on."

Oops. I think I'm going to go ahead and
shut it off, let's see if just holding
this button will do that. It– it won't...
So, fuck it, I'm just gonna let it turn on.

It's gonna say "starting services." And, now
it says "getting ready."

[Part 2]

This doesn't even say...
I was told this has a Thunderbolt 3
port which I will need to connect my
Apollo Twin UAD Universal audio
interface with it.

Although I'll also need an adapter for that, wasn't
the biggest fan of that, but anything to get
away from Apple. And... this isn't even
gonna tell me if it does have that.

Uh... th– the dude at Best Buy thought that it had a
Thunderbolt 3 port but he also pointed
to the power... uh... port when he said that, so
I'm not sure that he's the best judge of

And, um... you know what, if it doesn't then I
might just switch off of the UAD Apollo
Twin interface and choose something more
windows friendly. Because honestly, this
is a little off topic, but the Apollo

Can you see it? Yeah, you can't see it.

Apollo Twin, right here, is um... a little
overrated or um... overpriced for what it does,
I think. Um, it... it stores your UAD plugins on

So, functions as a hard drive, and it
doesn't slow down your real computer. Um, but
that also means that you can't use any
of your plugins if you don't have this... uh...
plugged in. And it also only comes with I
think about five different plugins, well
it comes with about a dozen.

But, I was several... it was more money, way
more money, than the Focusrite I was using before
it. I might just switch back to a Focusrite
or something similar.

And it only has two inputs for uh, recording
and a guitar jack for recording guitar.

[Part 3]

Uh... okay, so this is finally
booted up, and we're gonna say– we're
gonna continue in English.

Hi there I'm Cortana,
and I'm here to help.

Hi, Cortana.

A little sign in here, a touch
of Wi-Fi there, and we'll have your PC
ready for all you plan to do.


Use your voice or the keyboard along the way, and
if you'd like me to stay quiet,
just select the little microphone icon
towards the bottom of your screen. If you
need an assistive screen reader, press
the windows, control, and enter keys at
the same time to turn on narrator. Okay,
enough intro, let's dig in. Your region is
set to the United States, is that right?

Yes... Yes.

Your keyboard is set to US, want
to stick with that?


Do you also type
with another keyboard layout?


Now let's get you connected to a network.
That way you can get updates, apps, and cat videos as soon as possible.
(Uh, and I guess we can find out about uh...)
How about the first one on the list? (Yes.) Want to use that one?

So, you can see here my Wi-Fi. (Now
type your credentials.) I'm gonna turn off
the video for a minute because I don't
want to uh reveal my password. But um, I will
probably resume this momentarily.