Rainer Maria
Clear and True
The winding lanes . .
And the fields on the left and the right . .
And through my awkward life . .
The same refrain
I always wished it might have been recorded

But now memory
Has distorted your light
Sing me something clear and true
In some otherworldly tune
I'll make it up for you

The day we played
As kids among the headstones
We pretended we had died
But now something's changed
We don't play games
And time has proved you right

And now memory
Has distorted your light
Sing me something clear and true
In some otherworldly tune
If you were here
I'd make it up for you
Yeah, I'd make it up for you
With the song I loved the most
I know you're here
And I'm not afraid of ghosts

I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid of going out alone
(we lay down on the stone just like we died)
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid of ghosts

Sing me something clear and true
And I'll make it up for you
Sing me something clear and true
I'll lay down on the stone right by your side
Sing me something clear and true
Sing me something clear and true