The Amazing World of Gumball
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet
{Verse 1: Gumball & Darwin}
Let's find out how they put these magic colors in the sky!
With unicorns and pixies, candy cane and apple pie!
I used to think that they were caused by how the light refracts
But now I'm sure it's magical so who are we gonna ask?

{Chorus: Gumball & Darwin}
Hey! Red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, and violet!

[Verse 2: Darwin, Gumball & Blue Elephant]
Hello, friend! Now, tell me, are you elf or are you gnome?
Neither, kid, the lack of daylight stunted every bone
And is this color made from lemonade and fairy dust?
It's gasoline and arsenic, and latex, lead, and rust

{Chorus: Gumball & Darwin}
Hey! Red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, and violet!

[Verse 3: Darwin & Gumball]
I must admit that guy back there did not fill me with magic...
In fact, he made it sound as if his job was pretty tragic...
But look, there's elves on tricycles and fountains of molasses!
Unless it's a hallucination caused by toxic gasses

[Chorus: Darwin (delirious)]
Led, lorry, lellow, greeny, bluedigo, and violet!
[Verse 4: Leonard Daniels & Dark Teal Construction Man]
Well I don't mind, it's not that bad, this job still has its perks
Like for example, uh, *sigh*
Careful, Len, mind what you say, you know the walls have ears!
Don't wanna end up stuck all night like poor old Mr. Frears!

[Bridge: Darwin & Gumball]
Where are all the roly-poly imps in dungarees?
Instead, it's tears and bitterness, and awful salaries
We thought it would be full of fun, and colorful rainbows
Instead, it's gross and gray, and let's be honest, it just blows

[Reprise: Rainbow Factory Workers]
We kept our job's, although we're slobs, the factory's not ablaze
Ten more days vacation and we even got a raise
We skirted unemployment and a future on the skids
Thanks to Mrs. Watterson and her two weirdo kids!
La la la la la la, la la la la la, hey!