Jim White
When Jesus Gets A Brand New Name
Damn them dogs is really smart
Think I'd better lose the snowshoes
Thought the skid marks on the road'd throw them off
But damn them dogs is smart
And on Devil's Island of the heart
You can't afford to make a big mistake
You gotta plan your jail break carefully
Very carefully!
And them crickets chirping in my hair
They're about to drive me smack insane
I don't know quite who put 'em there
But everytime I hear 'em it sound just like;

When Jesus gets a brand new name!
When Jesus gets a brand new name!

Now I'm hiding in a funky shadow
I see a TV show through the window
There's lawyers riding in a speedboat
They're solving cases on the ocean
I'm going over the waterfalls
I'm a lamb to the slaughter ya'll
Better duck because that flying thing
Is coming back this way!
I tell you what the hay!
Friggin A!
A certified genius couldn't do it better
You disagree?
Well, that's okay, we'll notify you with a letter!

When Jesus gets a brand new name!
When Jesus gets a brand new name!

Golden dust, golden bones, golden opportunities
You flush 'em all down the rusty drain
Better laugh, boy, before you feel the pain
And get yourself good and saved
Make sure that you are well behaved;
You should part your hair
You should shine your shoes
You should say your prayers
You should pay your dues
You do heart surgery with a hammer
Then you lock 'em all up in the gospel slammer
'Till there's nothing left for this corpse to say
Except "Drag my stinking butt away!"

When Jesus gets a brand new name!
When Jesus gets a brand new name!

My friends;
Cross your fingers, cross your hearts
'Cause they've ripped that sucker clean apart
And don't catch my whole guitar on fire
As you embrace the lips of my wild desire
Now you're messing with my superstition
Hey, what about the Inquisition?!
Yeah I like 'em big, like 'em chunky
I like 'em pasty faced, like a superjunky
You steal the water from the well of love
It'll sit in your tummy like O.J.'s glove
So don't you give me none
Of that dadgummed shango
'Cause I know that it takes two to tango!

When Jesus gets a brand new name!
When Jesus gets a brand new name!