Nothing left to do
I'm getting bored real quick
Taking drugs and fucking girls
Just seems to make me sick
Something better happen
I've got to go somewhere
I got to find myself some action
I know there's something there
I've got to go somewhere
I've got to find someone
I've got to do something
Before I get a gun
Nothing left to do
I'm getting bored real quick
Taking drugs and fucking girls
Just seems to make me sick
Something better happen
I've got to go somewhere
I got to find myself some action
I know there's something there
Nothing left to do
I'm getting bored real quick
Taking drugs and fucking girls
Just seems to make me sick
Something better happen
I've got to go somewhere
I got to find myself some action
I know there's something there
I've got to go somewhere
I've got to find someone
I've got to do something
Before I get a gun
Bored, I'm bored, I'm bored