Pato Banton
One World (not Three)
One world is enough for all of us!
Now every woman every man come on and listen to Banton
This one goes out to all of you and also to your children
This world was made for all of us yes each and every person
So lets all jam together now pon this reggae version
I'd like to start at Genesis in story of creation
God created moon and sun sea and land and vegetation
Mmm every fish mmm every bird
And every single member of the animal kingdom yeah!
Then in his image he created man and woman
In different places of the world with different skin complexions
The black man the white man the yellow and the red man
So as far as I'm concerned there is no need for segregation
Everyone wants number 1 no one wants to be second
I'm just as much to blame I am in the game of competitions
But in our quest to achieve success we all should use discretion
And set a good example for the younger generation
This world is for you and this world is for me
At the end of the day we all got to see that
What we need universally is U. N. I. T. Y
That's Unity