Heather Alexander
Black Unicorn
I am he that knocks on your windowpane
I am he that stalks the night
I am he with silver shot through my mane
You'll dream of me with fire-eyes bright
If you ever meet me standing there
You'll wish that you were never born
I'll seize your soul and strip it bare
I am the Black Unicorn

My horn is forged of silver fire
My shoulders bear leathern wings
I am the nightmare of your own desire
I am the song that the Devil sings
Hellfire dancing in my eyes
My coat is as black as coal
Mortals are so quick to hypnotize
And then I merely take your soul

Teeth sharp as daggers cooled in the snow
And hooves that burn through the ground
Follow me not where I lead you to go
For then your soul will be devil-bound
There is but one who rides my back
And keeps his soul ever free
His heart is cold and will not crack
And he is as cursed as me