Heather Alexander
Creature Of The Wood
I am a creature of the wood
Forsaken in my solitude
My song is pleasure and is pain
My song can drive a man insane
So come with me, my pipes I'll play
And we will dance 'till break of day
I shall be thy lover
I've been alive since time began
Not beast, not god, and yet not man
I am the music and the dance
I am the piper who enchants
So loose all ties to mortal kind
My pipes shall play within thy mind
I shall be thy lover
Come unto me my beauteous maid
I'll lead thee to the hidden glade
Thou shalt be happy and be free
When I play, thou wilt dance for me
We'll feast on fruit fresh from the vine
And I will sample the fruit of thine
I shall be thy lover
Sweet love I'll make for thee alone
And show thee sights before unknown
I'll be thy master and thy friend
For I'm the gold at rainbow's end
I am the beast within all men
I am the rhyme past mortal ken
I shall be thy lover
I've played my pipes before man's dawn
Seen maidens ripe, turn pale and wan
Taught man the art of song and dance
Yet had to part from mortal clans
I must return to silent dells
No fire burns, and nature dwells
So take thy rest within the shade
And as the evening hours fade
I'll take thee deeper in the glade
My cloven hooves through heather wade
I'll teach thee things man has forbade
Our souls entwined and unafraid
I shall be thy lover
I am a creature of the wood
Forsaken in my solitude
My song is pleasure and is pain
My song can drive a man insane
So come with me, my pipes I'll play
And we will dance 'till break of day
I shall be thy lover