Bad Attitude (Deadly Guns Remix)
I'm the master
I'm the master

I pull your string, I'm makin' moves, I'm the master causing you to do what you do
You are the puppet
I pull your string, I'm makin' moves, I'm the master causing you to do what you do
You are the puppet

With the high funk overdose
The-the-the master
In-in-in control of the whole game
With the high funk overdose
The-the-the master
In-in-in control of the whole game

I-I'm the master
I-I'm the master

I pull your string, I'm makin' moves, I'm the master causing you to do what you do
You are the puppet
I pull your string, I'm makin' moves, I'm the master causing you to do what you do
You are the puppet

In-in-in control of the whole game

The-the-the master! In control of the whole game
I-I-I'm the master

Th-this is a remix!
I-I-I'm the master