The World/Inferno Friendship Society
Dolce Far Niente
Trust me, you don't need to talk to me about something, please just go
Really, you don't need to be honest with me, you don't need to see me now just go
I am not going to die in peace when I go. There you go
How proud her friends must of been of her when they bothered to think of her, and there you go
There is no need for you to be honest with me
Mary untied knots
I'm tired of knots
No people like show people, at least not any people I know
You look like someone someone else would think is attractive, hows that work?
Me and doors have a good understanding, in the event of my unfortunate death...
People always like you more when you're dead! Isn't that what you said?
Where'd you go?
Paranoia is just good common sense! You think you're the exception, do you really think so?
I like the way you talk to yourself, its a real turn on, please go on
I don't have a problem with magic beans and can quit whenever I want
You look like someone someone else would think is attractive, hows that go?
I don't need you to be honest with me, please just, please just, please just go! Go, go, go, go!
This is how they talked! This is how they talked! This is how they talked!
This is how they talked! This is how they talked! This is how they talked!
Trust me, you don't need to see me about something, please just go
Really, you don't need to be honest with me, now please just go
I am not going to die in peace, when I go, and there you go
How proud her friends must have been of her when they bothered to think of her, and there you go
This is how they talked! This is how they talked! This is how they talked!
This is how they talked! This is how they talked! This is how they talked about me