Luis Eduardo Aute
Two Devils in Paradise
Baby, be bad...
Try to be my angel tonight
Lady, be good...
Kill me till my kisses die
Baby, be bad...
Tell me not to stand up and fight
Lady be good...
Help me to remember how to cry
Let´s free love from ties...
Up and down with truths and lies
Let´s land in the skies...
Like two devils in Paradise
Baby, be bad...
Let´s make Hell our Heaven tonight
Lady be good...
Laugh at me when I feel blue
Baby be bad...
Tell me sex is only a rite
Lady be good...
Make me feel we´re living "l´amour fou"
Let´s free love from ties...
Baby, be bad...
Save me from my nightmares tonight
Lady, be good
Spit on all my wounds and scars
Baby, be bad...
Tell me wrong can never be right
Lady, be good...
Don´t protect me from the ides of Mars
Let´s free love from ties...