Everything’s Ended
Waiting for the last moment

I drink in memories like fresh air

Have I said everything?

I had a lot of opportunities

What's the aim of being so high?

Mother, fear's in your eyes

I needed money - forgive me father

Now I can't sleep

Chorus: I'm so tired and for sure I know that everything has ended
Shadows were fighting, the entire world was spinning around

I struck in the rhythm of the street

He slumped slowly

I didn't care

Chorus: Waiting for the sun, waiting for the last time.I regret that I can't embrace you
I see that! Angels are flying over my head!!
I didn't see the light

As you did

Always different

I had to try

They asked too many questions when I was drifting away

They asked too many questions so I gave up again

You balance on the line

Be carefull artist

The Ice is thin

The Water is warm