The Fear
Inside the fear we find the tenderness
Inside the thought we find the urge
Inside the love we find the heart
But the heart is weak and so it breaks, inside we find the fear

Inside the language we find joy
But stupidity can only annoy
The stupid can also feel the pain
I have reasons for my joy, but not for being lame

Be strong for me when I can't be strong for you
Be there for me but only if your true
Though I try hard I will sometimes let you down
I will sometimes let you down

Don't be faithful if your hearts not truly there
We are useless if we don't embrace the fear
Though I try hard I will sometimes let you down
I will sometimes let you down

Your hair was unwashed it was greasy
You had the dirt beneath your nails
I could tell from your clothes you were trustworthy
I could tell from your eyebrows, you had lots to tell