William McDowell
Rain Only Matters / Expecting Harvest
There is one declaration I need you to know
There is one declaration I need you to know first
Rain only matters for those who has seed in the ground
I need you to hear
Rain only matters for those who has seed in the ground
Is there anyone who has seed in the ground
If you got seed in the ground rain is not a nuisance
We will sing one more time
Rain only matters for those who has seed in the ground
I have got seed in the ground
I am expecting a harvest now
Any body got seeds
I have got seed in the ground
Yes Lord
I am expecting a harvest now
Come on help me sing
I have got seed in the ground
If you are planting something in the
Ground this is your song and you
Are expecting a harvest
I am expecting a harvest now
Some one say I got seed
I have got seed in the ground
Yes Lord so I’m expecting a harvest
I am expecting a harvest now
Come on help me one time
I am expecting a harvest now
I got seed in the ground
I got seed in the ground
So I’m expecting a harvest
I am expecting a harvest now
I’ve got seed in the ground
I got seed in the ground
I am expecting a harvest now
So can we confess it say my harvest
Is coming
I am expecting a harvest now
A harvest is coming it is coming
I am expecting a harvest now
Come on one more time sing sing
The harvest is coming
I am expecting a harvest now
If you are expecting a harvest in this room
And you know God is going to supply every
One of your needs and you been sewing seed
And you got seeds to reap