2003 New Broadway Cast of Little Shop of Horrors
We’ll Have Tommorow
Don't you be frightened
Don't be afraid
I'll get us out of
This mess that I made

Don't ask questions tonight
It's touch and go
No one ever got hurt
What they don't know

We'll have tomorrow
Trust me, it's true
We'll have tomorrow
We'll get through

Clouds will be parted
Sun will shine bright
We'll have tomorrow
If we make it through tonight

[AUDREY, spoken]
I love you, Seymour

[SEYMOUR, spoken]
I love you too. Just go home now, Audrey
[AUDREY, spoken]
I can't leave you in this condition

[SEYMOUR, spoken]
I'm fine. I'll come for you after LIFE magazine and take you away to that development you dream about. And once we're there, everything will be happy ever after, I promise!

We'll have a family
Three kids or four
Light in the window
Christmas wreath on the door

Roses are red, love
Weddings are white
We'll have tomorrow
If we just get through tonight

[SEYMOUR, spoken]
Now go, Audrey, please

[AUDREY, spoken]
You're sure you're alright?

[SEYMOUR, spoken]
Don't worry about me. Don't worry about anything, OK?
[AUDREY, spoken]

Don't you be frightened
Don't be afraid
If we see tomorrow
We've got it made