​vertigo poem
Um, I usually write a poem for each body of work I do
Or just randomly too, I guess
But yeah, here it is

You are not broken
There is no fix
There is a change
You are not your job, your significant other, the numbers in your bank account
The thoughts or the memories in your head
Whatever anyone says
You are the words you speak, the way you move
This can change at any time that you decide
Choose wisely

Does your love mean anything if I can't feel it?
If I threw myself off a building, am I a martyr or a tragedy?
However, you may feel momentarily only two factors persevere
Your relationship to the people around you, and your view of yourself
You could buy that if you wanted to
But think about it
If you came home like you did
Would it change a thing?
You are unconstant, dynamic
You're a star, dar
Act like one
Take care of the ones you love
Stop being so serious
Now is not forever
But you knew all this, deep down
Maybe we are forever ending where we started
But it is only the end if you want it to be
Everything is only ever what you would like it to be
And never is great, or as grave as it seems
No matter how close or how impossibly far you think you got to that greener grass
You just have to try again
We just have to try again