Old Man’s Child
The Millenium King
Feel him curse the sky
Strong our mighty father
For him we will die
Burn... We praise your fire
And the fearful dark
Rise... Upon the graves
And set life in bondage
Put your spell's on me
And possess my soul
Feel the human hate grow strong
Embrace this time... Until it's gone
Take... This world by force
And kill the seeds of seeds of sorrow
Bring us forth... The day of doom
Take hold of your dominions
And bless them your power
Fly high upon the sky
And show us your grace
Lead: Galder/Jardar
Put your spell's on me
And possess my soul
Feel the human hate grow strong
Embrace this time... Until it's gone
Music by: Galder
Lyric by: Galder
Vocal by: Galder
Additional vocal: J. Lohngrin Cremonese
Upped by: _BlackWizard_