Phil Keaggy
Litany To The Spirit
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison
Christe eleison
In the hour of my distress, when temptations me oppress
And when I my sins confess; sweet Spirit comfort me
When I lie within my bed, sick in heart and sick in head…
And with doubts, discomforted, sweet Spirit comfort me
When I'm tossed about...either with despair or doubt
Yet before the glass be out, sweet Spirit comfort me
When the tempter me pursues with the sins of all of my youth
And half-damns me with untruth...
Sweet Spirit, comfort me
When the flames and hellish cries…
Frighten my ears and frighten my eyes…
And all terrors me surprise…
Sweet Spirit comfort me
Now and at the hour, at the hour…
Sweet Spirit, comfort me
When the judgment is revealed and that opened which was sealed
When to You I have appealed;
Sweet Spirit, comfort me
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison
Christe eleison