The World Discarded
Internal conflict causing great despair
War ravaged lands everywhere you look
Reigning down on them like a storm of hate
Force their way through it so desperately
Escape the only option that’s possible
But no one will help and nobody cares
Why is this happening and what’s the cause
Needs to be stopped what’s the answer now
More destructions not the answer
Why can’t they come to their senses
There needs to be action taken
Support given without hidden agendas
So quick to use extreme measures
Try the mind instead of the fists first
Who decides who lives or who dies
The same answer given time and time again
One person holding so much power
A deadly game of cat and mouse
Assistance to these people offered by no one
Stone age, what day we living in
How’d it begin and when’s it gonna end
Life holds no value to those put in charge
The throw away world taken to extreme
Authority the problem, what’s the game plan here
Centuries of torment and stripped of basic rights
More destructions not the answer
Why can’t they come to their senses
When’s it going to end
I doubt in our life time
The need for control
Means more than people’s lives