Direct Hit!
Different Universe
Wrong place, wrong time again
Wrong way, on home to the dead
Corpses, in darkness float up to heaven
Throw shadow above our heads
Crown of nothing to kiss
The cup of numb awaits their lips


Slipped in to a different universe
Synced in, no need to be rehearsed
Soft skin from liquid coats consciousness
Rotting minds in the afterlife
Promise, you'll see me for who I am
I'll let you too

We want to sleep
It's time to wake up
We've thought to keep disguises, Enough
Of this charade, it all feels the same
We can tell that you feel dismayed
We can tell that your heart wants it
We can tell that your mind's made up
We can tell that your conscious kicked in
We can tell that you wanna be left alone
We can tell that you looked back down
We can tell that you're turning yourself around
We can tell that you're mining your way into
Another hell, would you

Just watch and sleep?
It's time to wake up
The thought to keep
Disguises disgusts
Us all who fall
Through darkness untouched
Your heaven is just a crutch

I want to sleep, and then to wake up
This thought to keep
Disguised is enough
And this charade
It all feels the same
Fuckin' right we feel dismayed