Oh what a commotion, bodies in the street
Snipers in the yard, Jiminy cricket
Everyone's at large bucket and a spade
Oh what a commotion, bruisers on the beat
Policemen on the prowl, stickety wicket
Oh what a drag, everyone's at sea
Give us a hint or a clue
Where do we start from
And where do we go to
Give us a light in the cold
Merlin our fortune be told
Sentimental memories won't do
In nineteen eighty two
When we will crawl like lice
Beneath a blade of hate
(Not nice)
And you my friend will feel like in a zoo
Hey monkey, is it true?
And I won't know, not I
'Cause you'll be me, uh, uh, and I'll be you
Buh, buh, uhup, bu, hup
Talkin' 'bout disaster
'Cauliflower, turnip peels
Rotten eggs and spew
Old tin cans and bottle tops
And cabbage, plastic glue
Poka mola soft soapola choca rocka stew
Mix'em up and melt them down
So there's your little clue, look out
Sunny disaster, sunny disaster
Disaster can be fun
If you give up lettuce
Give up smell touch
Sunday lunch
Disaster can be nice
If you give up breathing
Give up hope, T.V
And the radio
Disaster can be very nice
If you simply live like lice
Disaster can be very nice
(Sunny disaster)