Shirley Temple
The Right Somebody To Love
Young and old and in between
Six or sixty or sixteen
When you think that fate has been unkind
'Cause you haven't many toys
Like some other girls and boys
Here's a little rhyme worth remembering sometime
What makes life the sweetest
Bestest and completest?
Not a big doll house
Or a Mickey Mouse
But the right somebody to love
Ice cream, cake and candy
May be fine and dandy
But if you ask me there not one two three
With the right somebody to love
One you really care for
And is yours to have and keep;
One you say a pray'r for
In your "Now I lay me down to sleep"
Tho' you're not quite seven
What is most like heaven?
It's the joy that's found
With your arms around
The right somebody to love
What makes life the sweetest
Bestest and completest?
Not what you and I
Can go out and buy
But the right somebody to love
You may have a bankful
For which to be thankful
Nothing you possess
Brings you happiness
Like the right somebody to love
One you really care for
And is yours to have and keep;
One you say a pray'r for
In your "Now I lay me down to sleep"
All the milk and honey
Pockets full of money
Cannot take the place of the sweet embrace
Of the right somebody to love