Wayne Watson
The Class Of ’95
Every tree is green again
In the wood out of my back door
Every spring that scene, again
Faithful coming as before
And every living thing is sure
With time to come of age
Just like girls and boys outgrow their toys
And reach to turn the page
To the class of '95
Congratulations are in line
God has surely been most faithful
He's been so much more than kind
So get ready to test your wings
And fly away, but when you do
Remember you are loved
And somebody here is always praying for you
So this is what I bargained for
Hushed hello and a rushed goodbye
And the old folks said I'd be amazed
At how quickly the time would fly
Oh, but even so, I'm thankful
That my God saw fit to lend
This child into my unworthy hands
Who's less a child now and more a friend