Wayne Watson
In Those Eyes
Mama’s Eyes by my bed each night
When I’d cry she’d hold me tight
And when the fever would come, she’d cool my brow
I remember now, Mama’s eyes
When I went my way
How those eyes just seemed to say
“May the Lord be your strength and song"
Words gentle, but strong
Written there in Mama’s eyes
In those eyes my fears were all cast down
In those eyes was strength without a sound
Etched into my mind for comfort
Hope through every trial
Eyes that seemed to know my every turn
Shining with compassion and concern
Shedding light on every shadow
I could find such rest in Mama’s eyes
Jesus' eyes, gazing deeper still
To the place only He could feel
Needs only He could meet
Finally laid at His feet
There is rest in Jesus’ eyes
He has loved me more
Than the greatest of loves before
Love purer than winter’s snow
There is comfort to know
From a look in Jesus’ eyes