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my little airport
my little airport
coka, i’m fine
gi gi leung is dead
九龍公園游泳池 (Kowloon Park Swimming Pool)
介乎法國與旺角的詩意 (poetics – something between montparnasse and mongkok)
你叫我譯一首德國歌詞 (Translate a German Song for You) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
土瓜灣情歌 (To Kwa Wan Ballad)
我們一起離開吧 (Let’s Leave Together)
明天不要賴床 baby (Don’t Sleep In Tomorrow, Baby)
細胞 (Cell)
詩歌舞街 (Sycamore Street)
讓我搭一班會爆炸的飛機 (My Next Plane Will Explode) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
阿姆斯特丹夜機 (Amsterdam Midnight Flight)
i don’t know how to download good av like iris does
when i listen to the field mice (catalog mix)
下了兩天雨 (Rained Two Days)
你說之後會找我 (you said we’d be back)
回到中學的暑假 (Back to Secondary School’s Summer)
在動物園散步才是正經事 (the ok thing to do on sunday afternoon is to toddle in the zoo)
愛人有新歡 (Lover Has a New Lover)
我們一起離開吧 (Let’s Leave Together) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
某夜後台 (Backstage)
濕濕的夢 (Wet Dream)
給親戚看見我一個人食吉野家 (My Relatives Saw Me Eating in Yoshinoya)
美麗新香港 (New Brave Hong Kong) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
迷人的頸巾 (Fascinating Scarf)
victor, fly me to Stafford
一六八 (168)
你的微笑像朵花 (Flower-like Smile) (guitar version)
北歐是我們的死亡終站 (Scandinavia is Our Final Destination)
只因當時太緊張 (because i was too nervous at that time)
喫煙席 (Smoking Seat)
奇人的離職 (Weirdo’s Departure) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
循環的夜 (Repeating Nights)
愛情disabled (Love Disabled)
愛情disabled (Love Disabled) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
我愛官恩娜,都不及愛你的哨牙 (I Love Your Whistling Teeth More Than Ella Koon)
牛頭角青年 (Young Men of Ngau Tau Kok)
通利的阿賢 (Tom Lee’s Ah Yin)
驗孕的下晝 (Pregnancy Testing Afternoon)
edward, had you ever thought that the end of the world would come before 20.9.01?
how can you fall in love with a guy who doesn’t know Gainsbourg?
今晚講嘢夜唔夜 (Is it Too Late to Chat Tonight)
再殺一個人 (Killed Someone Out Again)
失落沮喪歌 (The Lost and Frustration Song)
我是為了兩千蚊才到這裡表演 (I Came to Perform Just for the $2000)
每次你走的時分 (Every Time You Left)
每次你走的時分 (Every Time You Left) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
露體狂小丁 (Siu Ding the Exhibitionist) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
馬田的心事 (Martin’s Troubles)
麥記最後一夜 (Final Night at McDonald’s)
你說之後會找我 (you said we’d be back) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
因講了出來 (If I Let It Out)
就當我是張如城 (Just Pretend I Am Jacky Cheung)
德州之戀 (Texas Romance)
柯德莉,關於風景 (Audrey, About the Landscape)
沖繩流浪貓 (Okinawa Stray Cat)
獨身的理由 (Reasons to be Single)
男神與寇比力克 (Boygod and Kubrick)
社會主義青年 (Socialist Youth)
美麗新香港 (New Brave Hong Kong) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
讓我搭一班會爆炸的飛機 (My Next Plane Will Explode)
豬隻在城中逐一消失 (Pigs Are Vanishing, One By One)
阿煩 (Ah Fan)
indie悲歌 (Indie Elegy)
my little banana
terence的心事 (Terence’s Troubles)
伊,關於眉 (Eve, About Eyebrows)
你把我的 (You’ve Given My)
再殺一個人 (Killed Someone Out Again) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
喫煙席 (Smoking Seat) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
年輕的茶餐廳老闆娘 (Cha Chaan Teng’s Young Boss Lady)
悲傷的採購 (Sad Purchase) (digilick remix)
海 (Sea)
白田購物中心 (Pak Tin Commerical Centre)
百份之一機會 (1 in 100 Chance)
荔枝角網球場宣言 (Manifesto on the Lai Chi Kok Park Tennis Courts)
QUEEN (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
josephine’s shop
leo, are you still jumping out of the windows in expensive clothes?
下亞厘畢道 (Lower Albert Road)
今天沒大麻在身 (No Weed with Me Today) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
今宵多珍重 (Let’s Cherish Tonight)
你是浪子,別泊岸 (You’re a Drifter, Don’t Dock)
嘔吐 (Nausea)
奇人的離職 (Weirdo’s Departure)
宋代SAD BOY (Song Dynasty Sad Boy)
彌敦道的一晚 good trip (Good Trip on Nathan Road)
憂傷的嫖客 (Sorrowful Whoremonger)
我在暗中儲首期 (I’m Saving the Down Payment Secretly)
瓜分林瑞麟三十萬薪金 (Splitting Stephen Lam’s $300,000 Payroll)
離開是為了回來 (Leaving Is For Coming Back)
frankie wants to be alone
if you bring me to the party
my dear friend ka hei
你望我望 (You Look, I Look)
你的微笑像朵花 (Your Flower-like Smile)
八點零五分 (08:05)
宋代SAD BOY (Song Dynasty Sad Boy) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
海心公園 (Hoi Sham Park)
爺就是一名辭職撚 (I’m a Fucking Quitter)
王菲,關於你的眉 (Faye Wong, About Your Eyebrows)
藍白紅風格練習 (Exercices de Style)
西西弗斯之歌 (The Hymn of Sisyphus) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
20GB (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
my little st. valentine’s day
when i listen to the field mice
when the party is over, i miss my dear porn star
you don’t wanna be my girlfriend, phoebe
今夜雪糕 (Can Use More Ice Cream Tonight) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
你叫我譯一首德國歌詞 (Translate a German Song for You)
廣州足浴一夜 (Guangzhou Foot Bathing Night)
悲傷的採購 (Sad Purchase)
我不適合聚會 (No Gathering for Me)
春天在車廂裡 (Spring, on the Bus)
火炭麗琪 (fo tan lai ki)
美麗新香港 (New Brave Hong Kong)
SABINA之淚 (SABINA’S TEARS) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
dee, it may all end tomorrow
my little fish
不要把冬天衫放回衣櫃 (Don’t Put Your Winter Clothes in the Closet)
只收一半 (Half Price Only)
大象 (Elephant)
失業抗爭歌 (Anthem of the Unemployment Resistance)
宅女,上街吧 (Indoorsy Girls, Hit the Streets) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
山頂.公仔.波板糖 (Mountaintop, Doll, Lollypop)
心 (Heart)
月映之審判者 (Reflector’s Judgement)
第十支煙 (The Tenth Cigarette)
je pense à toi
京都民宿夜 (Night in a Kyoto Guesthouse)
公司裁員三百人 (300 Laid Off)
失業抗爭歌 (Anthem of the Unemployment Resistance) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
寂寞的星期五 (Lonely Friday)
悲傷的採購 (Sad Purchase) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
散步之年 (Year of Strolling)
昨晚夢見你 (Dreamt of You Last Night)
給face雜誌的記者ivy (To FACE Weekly’s Ivy)
西湖沒有中秋 (No Mid-Autumn On West Lake)
when the party is over, i miss my dear porn star (2009)
搭的士上班去 (I Go to Work by Taxi)
今天沒大麻在身 (No Weed with Me Today)
以為和你熟 (Thought We Were Close)
只因當時太緊張 (because i was too nervous at that time) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
已婚男人 (Married Men)
牛頭角青年 (Young Men of Ngau Tau Kok) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
畢業變成失業 (Graduation Equals Jobless)
菊花的味道 (The Taste of Chocolate Starfish)
那陣時不知道 (Didn’t Know Then)
今夜雪糕 (Can Use More Ice Cream Tonight)
今宵多珍重 (Let’s Cherish Tonight) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
介乎法國與旺角的詩意 (poetics – something between montparnasse and mongkok) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
去信和賣碟 (Selling CDs in Sino Centre
浪漫九龍塘 (Romantic Kowloon Tong)
美孚根斯堡與白田珍寶金 (Mei Foo Gainsbourg and Pak Tin Pirkin)
西西弗斯之歌 (The Hymn of Sisyphus)
阿叔今年四十歲 (Uncle’s 40 This Year)
K同學 (Student K)
五點鐘去天光墟 (Going to Twilight Market at 5AM)
只收一半 (Half Price Only) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
吳小姐 (Miss Ng) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
某夜電影中心 (Night at Cinema Centre)
給金鐘地鐵站車廂內的人 (To Those on the Train at Admiralty)
羅曼蒂克 (Romantic)
阿波馬草結婚了 (Por And Macho Got Married)
K同學 (Student K) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
RE:迷惘的人生 (Re: A Perplexed Life)
debbie, don’t send this song to others
四句 (Four Lines)
因講了出來 (If I Let It Out) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
我以後不再去長洲 (I Won’t Go to Cheung Chau Again)
煙 (Gas)
直到人類滅亡 (Until We Go Extinct)
邊一個發明了返工 (Who Invented Working)
dolly and bb will not wake up anymore
donald tsang, please die
love is not a romantic song
今夜到干諾道中一起瞓 (Let’s Sleep on Connaught Road Central Tonight)
彌敦道的一晚 good trip (Good Trip on Nathan Road) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
燕 (Swallow)
香港香港 (Hong Kong Hong Kong) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
my little k and j
下亞厘畢道 (Lower Albert Road) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
廣州足浴一夜 (Guangzhou Foot Bathing Night) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
悼二零一二年的夏 (Mourning the Summer of 2012)
攻陷你的西 (Capturing Your Cunt)
驗孕的下晝 (Pregnancy Testing Afternoon) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
麥記最後一夜 (Final Night at McDonald’s) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
K同學 (Student K) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
九龍公園游泳池 (Kowloon Park Swimming Pool) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
煙 (Gas) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
詩歌舞街 (Sycamore Street) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
下了兩天雨 (Rained Two Days) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
今宵多珍重 (Let’s Cherish Tonight) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
五點鐘去天光墟 (Going to Twilight Market at 5AM) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
時代的孩子 節錄 (Excerpt of ”Children of Our Age”) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
失落沮喪歌 (The Lost and Frustration Song) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
心 (Heart) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
散步之年 (Year of Strolling) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
那陣時不知道 (Didn’t Know Then) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
詩歌舞街 (Sycamore Street) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
土瓜灣情歌 (To Kwa Wan Ballad) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
年輕的茶餐廳老闆娘 (Cha Chaan Teng’s Young Boss Lady) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
以為和你熟 (Thought We Were Close) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
和陳五msn (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
rm1210 (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
terence的心事 (Terence’s Troubles) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
失落沮喪歌 (The Lost and Frustration Song) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2021)
Love disabled (ENG)
donald tsang, please die (headroom remix)
tim, do you really want to make a film?
你望我望 (Nei5 Mong6 Ngo5 Mong6) (简体字/Simplified Characters)
十八 (Eighteen) (Live at KITEC Star Hall 2019)
吳小姐 (Miss Ng)
因講了出來 (If I Let It Out) (OTAKU MOBB Remix)
我愛郊野,但不愛派對 (i love the country but not the party)
詩歌舞街 (Sycamore Street) (简体字/Simplified Characters)