The Ruins of Beverast
A Failed Exorcism
Ye are incurably diseased
Even if the Daemon is summoned
That cure would not be a human one
Bear your agony, bear him

Nefariousness, intimidation, shamefacedness
And sweetest tears to shrive the last of all bedevilments
Of the spirit rather than the flesh

Paenitentiam agite!
Repent and shed purest tears
With the intoxication vanished or vainly awaited

Now it has been learned from witches that they cause this spell of hatred by means of serpents
For the serpent was the first tool of the devil
And by reason of its curse inherits a hatred of women

Threefoldly deceived ye are:
Ungulate youngling, stared at
Ungulate youngling, relieved by the Daemon
Ungulate youngling, kneeling on hindlimbs

Paenitentiam agite!
Repent and attend the Communion of the Supper
With the intoxication vanished, mutilated and exorcised

We're blessing and regarding the Seven:
Show not the path to him
Summon not arcane names
Forfeit not thy words
Abuse not signs and symbols
Preach not beyond sacred words
Preach the power of sacred words
Disguise not as God!
I dispossess

Paenitentiam agite!

Error erat ut venientes de nocte demonibus aut ut vetule dicunt 'die Seligen'
Sed sunt malefice vel demones in earum effigies
Debent omnia absumere ut post abundantius tribuant
Colorant quidam et dicunt 'schrettil' sunt, contra Determinationem doctorum
Quod praeter homines et angelos non sunt alie creature rationales
Unde non sunt nisi demones

At night, when the Daemons came