The Incredible Moses Leroy
Electric Pocket Radio
Bonjour mon ami!
I am your instructor
The natural way to learn
I am glad to know that you would like to learn from which you will gain many benefits
Just listen to this record a few times and see for yourself
The natural way to learn

To demonstrate the value of repetition, each sentence will be repeated twice

It is very important to play the record over and over because you learn by listening
Then natural way to learn
Play the record a few times and you will soon learn it by heart

Notice how you improve each time you play the record
Just think what that will mean to you!

The natural way to learn
The natural way to learn
The natural way to learn

Repeat each sentence, word for word, as you now hear it spoken

Let me get down, let me get it down. x12
Let me get down, let me get down!