Zombie Apocalypse
We Still Might Be Dying
Like rubble in your hands
Similar to my well-laid plans
I’m here now, rebar
Sticking through my ribs
Caught in the blast
Stop time with our eyes
Free from the past, from the future
From waking life

One more time before we die
We stand across a stillness that we spawn
As chaos reigns
Love braids us so we carry on
Dig your claws into the moment
Sink your teeth. Feel the warmth run down your cheeks
Devouring the bittersweet

In the cacophony
Hold on to me, and I’ll hold on to you
As we hurtle toward the sun
And certain doom
But I feel a spark in you, and I know you sense the same
So make this pact with me and let’s run
Two particles in the wave
Making stillness
Even if just in a dream
But the real world is on the horizon
It’s waiting
It’s waiting for you and me