The Afterimage
I'll awaken
The solitude of this mountain becomes constant
The walls embrace me in their calm
Gusting winds breathe around me
My container a vessel of stillness balanced upon stone and earth
With too many stories for a single lifetime
If I blink the vessel breaks
Shattering the illusion of freedom
With the flash of an eye it's gone
(It's gone)

I open my eyes, to stare into yours
My heart marks this time forevermore
But now I'm between a flicker of fantasy
Struggling now, struggling now to make sense of this

Belief without conviction
The world in my mind could be real, where thoughts bring solace
I listen, I listen
Over the dull song of birds
Over the sounds in the distance
Over the sirens of the lost
Silence, is what I wish for

I open my eyes, to stare into yours
My heart marks this time forevermore
But now I'm between a flicker of fantasy
Struggling now, struggling now to make sense of this

I've been altered by staring into infinity
I open my eyes, to stare into yours
My heart marks this time forevermore
With this I'll be remembered, so I can die and truly be born
I smile at the thought of myself smiling again
Living a lifetime between breaths