Lift To Experience
Into The Storm
Into the storm

Tell your mother
You won't be home for Christmas this year
Say you're headed south for the Promised Land
And with gun in hand

Sell the car and take the train
You won't need it where you're going
Leave the bags, don't pack a thing but the clothes on your back
With food, gun and gunny sack
With food, gun and gunny sack
With food, gun and gunny sack
Head for the tracks

There's gonna be two hits
Babylon is fallen, is fallen

You'll see it before you hear it
Sound takes some time to travel
When the noise reaches your ear
You will know and you will fear
The end is near

When America falls the world will fall with her
When America falls the world will fall with her
If one dies along the journey keep riding through the night
You'll never make it if you stop to bury
You'll never make it if you wait for light
Don't pause to question justice
Don't take the time to mourn
We'll have time to suffer
After we've suffered the storm
Babylon is fallen, is fallen
For the day comes, then the night
As we tread along the darker song
Of salvation yet to come
Ponder the thought
Of what little you've fought
Yeah the journey for you my friend has just begun
Yeah the wind is gonna blow those walls in
And the sound is gonna drown you out
Yeah the wind is gonna blow those four walls in
And the sound is gonna drown you out

Behold I show you a mystery
We shall not all sleep
We shall all be changed
The crippled, deaf and weak
In a moment
In the twinkling of an eye
The last trumpet shall sound
And the dead shall rise
Incorruptible, we shall all be changed
(If the watchman sees the sword come upon the land, warns not the people)
Incorruptible we shall all be changed
(His blood will I require at his hand.)
Incorruptible we shall all be changed
(If the watchman sees the sword come upon the land and warns the people)
Incorruptible we shall all be changed
(he has delivered his own soul and he shall be free
He shall be free)
We shall all be free
We, we shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
(There are no roads to where we are,)
We shall be free
(the path to the city has yet to be carved
So follow your fate to the Lone Star State
And join us as we sing along)
(We, we shall be free)
Born in sin, sufferin', strugglin'
(we shall be free)
Through thick and thin
(we shall be free)
Place your lips to my lips
(we shall be free)
And let's begin to weather the dreaded storm
(we shall be free, we shall be free)
(we shall be free, we shall be free)

We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free

Listen! I will be honest with you
I do not offer the old smooth prizes, but offer rough new prizes
These are the days that must happen to you:
You shall not heap up what is call’d riches
You shall scatter with lavish hand all that you earn or achieve
You but arrive at the city to which you were destin’d, you hardly settle yourself to satisfaction before you are call’d by an irresistible call to depart
You shall be treated to the ironical smiles and mockings of those who remain behind you
What beckonings of love you receive you shall only answer with passionate kisses of parting
You shall not allow the hold of those who spread their reach’d hands toward you
These are the days that must happen to you

We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free
We shall be free

My soul was a burden, bruised and bleeding. It was tired of the man who carried it, but I found no place to set it down to rest. Neither the charm of the countryside nor the sweet scents of a garden could soothe it. It found no peace in song or laughter, none in the company of friends at table or in the pleasures of love, none even in books or poetry

Where could my heart find refuge from itself? Where could I go, yet leave myself behind?

Friends, Saint Augustine said that in the fourth century and it’s just as true today as it ever was. We have come to tell you: there is a place

There is a place

Follow me over the Jordan across the desert sands
(Rio Grande)
Follow me o'er Israel into the Promised Land
Follow me over the Jordan across the desert sands
(Rio Grande)
Follow me into Texas into the Promised Land

[14 minutes of silence]


Marching on to Zion with gun in hand
Marching on to Zion with gun in hand
Marching on to Zion with gun in hand
Into the Promised Land
Promised Land