Kate Micucci
Soup in the Woods
On a snowy day
When I was fifteen
My dad held a can of soup
I walked out the door
And the snow was drifting
Covering the front porch stoop
Couldn't go to school
'cause the roads were closed
But couldn't feel my nose or nine of my toes
So my dad said 'gather the troops
'cause we're goin' to woods
And we're gonna cook some soup'
Found my brother and my cousins and a pot and spoon
Got on the walkie talkie with my best friends
Said, 'meet you at the forest soon.'
Gathered our sleds and tied 'em with the rope
Hitched 'em to the snow mobile
It was really dope
My dad pulled us to the woods to cook some soup
Got out the matches, collected some branches
Started a fire like so *blowing air?*
Took out the pot, held it over the fire
And we filled it with some snow
Well the snow turned to water
The water to boil
It wasn't much of a gamble
The last thing to do was open the can
And slowly we added the Campbell's
And we stirred, stirred, stirred
And my cousin said 'why are we doin' this?
When we have a stove at home?'
My dad replied, 'Take a look around you
It's a memory to own.'
And we stirred, stirred, stirred
And the snow was falling down
And we stirred, stirred, stirred
You could hardly hear a sound
Alphabet soup in the snowy forest
I spelled out my name
My brother and my cousins and my dad
Sitting around a tiny flame
Then the fire burned out, and we hopped on our sleds
A day in the woods, but it was time for bed
So my dad took us from the woods where we cooked some soup
And still on occasion, I like to cook soup
Although I use the stove
And just as I'm stirring
I think of the forest
And remember that day in the snow