Charles Strouse
You want from me what I can’t give
To set you free, to let you live
To just give up
To just let go, oh no, Charlie
I reach this hide, I won’t descend
I’m gonna fight, I’m not your friend
I will not be what I have been, oh I'll win, Charlie
You were a smile, a joke, a clown, who could amuse
But I’m a man in love, a man the world can use
I understand and sympathies
One of us live, the other dies
I’m in control my flesh my brain, my heart, my soul and I’ll remain
It’s you or me I’m gonna be, Charlie
I won’t see you, you just aren't here
You aren't real so disappear
I won’t go back, not at this stage, into the dark, into that cage
I’ll find a way that I can stay