Cartoons Medley
Holaila, Holaila ...

Heidi, Heidi, your nest is in the mountains

Heidi, Heidi, you were sad down there in the city

Accipicchia, here is a fantastic world

Heidi, Heidi, white like you

Holalaids, Holalaids, Holalaids, Holalaids

Holalaids, Holalaids, Holalaids, Holalaids

Ho-la-lai-di, Lai-di, Lai-di, Lai-di, Ha-ho

Heidi, Heidi, tender little, with such a heart

Mountain friends, Mu Mu, Cip Cip, Be Be

They tell you not to leave, they explain why

You'd be a little fish that leaves the water

A little bird in a cage that will die of boredom