Ya ya ya ya
Your mother goes
Down for Egyptians
So sing me another verse
Worse than the other verse
Waltz me around by my willy
They say that Viagra from Phizer
Can turn a limp dick into a guyser
But when I want my cock
As hard as a rock
I just chug down a couple Budweisers
Ya ya ya ya
Your grandma ran over her nipple
With her wheelchair
So sing me another verse
Worse than the other verse
Waltz me around by my willy
There once was a Chinese girl name of Chin
Who spread her slow cunt to let my tongue in
So I ate her and ate her
But just one hour later
I felt like eating her again
Ya ya ya ya
Your sister's nasal swab
Came back positive for jizz
So sing me another verse
Worse than the other verse
Waltz me around by my willy
I once picked up an eerie geek
Whose financial condition
Was obviously bleek
After swallowing my goo
She said "mmm, thank you
That's the first hot meal
I've had in a week"
Ya ya ya ya
Your mother's twat
Has its own website
So sing me another verse
Worse than the other verse
Waltz me around by my willy
There once was a young man from Nantucket
Whose cock was so long he could suck it
He said with a grin
As he wiped off his chin
If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it