Chip Taylor
Who’s Gonna Build That Wall
[Verse 1: Chip Taylor]
There's a different thing goin' on than there was before
Just get out here yourself and think it out real clear
Look it in the eye, blink twice and scratch your head and realize
Somethin' crazy goin' on 'round here
[Verse 2: Chip Taylor]
There's a big wind and it's blowin' up from the north
And some are ridin' that wind clear back south
And if it hits you in the face, just turn aside
Lotta men dead, lotta men cried out, "Hey, what the hell is this all about?"
[Chorus: Chip Taylor and Carrie Rodriguez]
Who's gonna build that wall?
Who's gonna build that wall?
Who's gonna build that wall? Who's gonna watch it fall?
Who's gonna build that wall?
[Verse 3: Chip Taylor]
When General Santa Anna was ridin' over the hill
He said "I won't give up. They will have to take me down"
Got a lotta poor folks I intend to save
And I'll keep goin' 'til I'm in my grave
Pass the noose around
[Chorus: Chip Taylor and Carrie Rodriguez]
Who's gonna build that wall?
Who's gonna build that wall?
Who's gonna build that wall? Who's gonna watch it fall?
Who's gonna build that wall?