Hard Driver
World Premiere
This is a world premiere
Cross my path, shots blast instant
Headshots stop you from thinking
Look out, come on
Shots blast instant
Funkdafied blew up it's evident
Shit I can't be touched
Say I'm too much I trust it's true
Why lie?
See for yourself when I slide through
Look out
Headshots stop you from thinking
You see this shit right?
Yeah, I'm saying
You dig
This is a world premiere [2x]
And I'm the Brat a tat-tat-tat
Look out, come on
Headshots stop you from thin...
World premiere
Shots blast instant
This is a world premiere
Shots blast instant [2x]
Headshots stop you from thinking
World premiere
Look out, come on
Stop you from thinking
You see this shit right?
This is a world premiere
World premiere