Dos Gringos
The Predator Eulogy
Yeah, that's a nice beat

Hey Trip! You fill out your preference worksheet?
(Naw man, I'm too scared)
Yeah, me too
All I think about is flying that damn UAV
Stuck in a booth, drinkin' a cup of coffee while I'm--
(I hear ya brotha)
Remember that time we were in Southern Watch and they shot down the Predator?
(That was a good day)
That was a good day. I never felt so happy in my life
Wrote a song about it
Wanna hear it?
(Hell yeah)
Here's how it goes:

They shot down the Predator
That's one less slot for me
And they shot down the Predator
And it filled my heart with glee

Yeah, I had a smile when I logged on
And they shot down the Predator
That's one less slot for me
You know what the sucky thing is, though?
(What's that?)
It's that the Air Force'll just build more of 'em
The Man is holdin' us down
(What the hell are they thinking?)
I dunno
Wrote another verse about it
Wanna hear it?
(Hell yeah)
OK, here it goes:

Well, they shot down the Predator
And I say let's send some more
Let's fly 'em over Baghdad
And then see what's in store

Yeah, 'cause I heard that the Air Force
Wants another twenty-four
And they shot down the Predator
And I say let's send some more

Hey, nice harmonies

Hey Trip?
(Yes, Snooze?)
What do you think happens when you get your Predator shot down?
Do you... say, "ah, what the hell" and go get a cup of coffee? Do you sit there and cry yourself in bed in your pillow?
(I don't know, man. It's probably depressing, but I'm sure you-- you move on with your life)
I guess so
(Poor bastard)
They shot down the Predator
And I wonder how that feels
For that operator
Who lost his set of wheels

Yeah, it must feel so defenseless
It's like clubbin' baby seals
And they shot down the Predator
And I wonder how that feels

Let's do that first verse again; whaddya say?
(Sounds good, brotha)

They shot down the Predator
That's one less slot for me
They shot down the Predator
And it filled my heart with glee

Yeah, I had a smile when I logged on
They shot down the Predator
And that's one less slot for me

(You gotta add that)