Mystery Science Theater 3000
The Canada Song
[Verse 1: Tom Servo]
Oh I wish I was back in old Canada,
A land which I never shall lampoon
How I pine for the ice covering Lake Manitoba
And the beauty that is Saskatoon!
[Verse 2: Mike]
Oh, I wish I was stuck in the hills of Alberta,
Drinking beer with some big dumb guy trapping fur!
As he scraped and chiseled all the moose dung off his boots
I would learn that he's the Prime Minister!
Oh stop that!
[Verse 3: Crow]
Oh, I wish I was in the land that gave us Peter Jennings,
Alanis Morissette, Mike Myers, too!
No, I take that back, I wouldn't go there even if you paid me
Oh Canada, you are a place I must eschew!
Now this is not in the spirit I intended!
Oh, come on, give in! I mean, after all, they gave us Ed the Sock and Rush!
Yeah, what are you defending? They're such feebs!
Okay, I'll try!
All right! Good man!
[Verse 4: Servo]
Oh, I wish I was blowing up Prince Edward Island
And going on to bomb Ontario, heh heh!
The destruction of Canada and all of its culture
Is by far my fav-o-rite scenario!
Okay, well that's a little strong....
No, no, you were right Mike, this is much more fun!
Just where the hell does Canada get off sharing a border
With countries far superior to it?
Why, you lousy, stinking, francophonic, bacon-loving bastards,
Your country's just a giant piece of sh-