(A Laugh from far away)
Satan raptures my feelings, Wait I have none
All I do is go outdoors and forget about feelings
Just by smoking a couple of blunts! Man Depression
Is Ineluctable, Shit's inescapeble, I want this stupid sadness
To go away just capture it! Porn doesn't relieve shit
I only shut the lights off and watch some Blu-ray porn Flocks!
I bet people will never see this none will capture my clique
Recording massacers bastards said it was spetacular
Why cry when seeing people die turns into jokes, The world
Is full with evil laughter who could be any happier! Who could
Be any sadder, Stab my fucking organs with a dagger
As I said the world will be full with laughter, Getting bullied
By jhits getting thrown to a locker, Satan doesn't rapture
That it only makes your heart shatter like a crack!
He went from selling hurb on the curb to preaching word to the birds
Everyones expression at you Is in a happy mien, While you're
Tired and helpless just wanting to make your wrists bleed
The anger feeds and wants more full with miserable evil greed
As I keep talking about satan, The devil which is your enemy
Gives you a helping hand and that's the apple satan wanted
The first female to eat, Then he tricked you. You're no pussy
You're not eve, A sniper will soon point at my head the only
Last thing I see ise a red little beam
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...
Yeah! YEAH!
(A nearly unaudible moan)