Andrew Lloyd Webber
Scene: Today’s the day
[NORMA, spoken]
Today's the day!

[JOE, spoken]
What do you mean?

[NORMA, spoken]
Max is gonna deliver the script to Paramount!

[JOE, spoken]
You're really gonna give it to DeMille?

[NORMA, spoken]
I've just spoken to my astrologer. She read DeMille's horoscope, she read mine...

[JOE, spoken]
Did she read the script?

[NORMA, spoken]
DeMille is Leo. I am Scorpio. Mars is transiting Jupiter. And today is the day of closest conjunction

[JOE, spoken]
(beat) Well, that's alright then

[NORMA, spoken]
(giggles) Max?
[MAX, spoken]
Yes, madame?

[NORMA, spoken]
Take the car. Make sure the script goes to Mr. DеMille—in person

[JOE, spoken]
So Max wheeled out hеr giant, old automobile. With its gold-plated speaking tubes and leopardskin upholstery. Polished it up, and trundled down to Paramount to hand in our... masterpiece. Well

[NORMA, spoken]
Great day

[JOE, spoken]
It's been real interesting!

[NORMA, spoken]
Yes, hasn't it?

[JOE, spoken]
I want to thank you. For trusting me with your baby

[NORMA, spoken]
Not at all. I should thank you

[JOE, spoken]
And will you call? And let me know as soon as you have some news?
[JOE, spoken]
Call where?

[NORMA, spoken]
My apartment

[NORMA, spoken]
You can't possibly think of leaving now, Joe

[JOE, spoken]
The script is finished, Norma

[NORMA, spoken]
No, Joe, it's just the beginning... it's the first draft! I couldn't dream of letting you go. I need your support!

[JOE, spoken]

[NORMA, spoken]
You'll stay on full salary, of course—

[JOE, spoken]
—well, it's not about the money!

(NORMA starts hyperventilating.)
[JOE, spoken]
O-o-of course, of course, of course, of course, I'll stay, I'll stay. Until we hear... some sort of news from Paramount

[NORMA, spoken]
Thank you, Joe

[NORMA, spoken]
And by the way, when you get upstairs, you'll find a few... packages in your room

[JOE, spoken]
Packages? What do you mean?

[NORMA, spoken]
I took the liberty of sending Max out to pick out some new clothes for you

[JOE, spoken]
Clothes? Why?

[NORMA, spoken]
Well. You can't come to my New Year's Eve party dressed like that

[JOE, spoken]
I'm sorry. I've been invited somewhere else on New Year's Eve

[NORMA, spoken]

[JOE, spoken]
Artie Green's. An old friend of mine

[NORMA, spoken]
But, Joe, I can't possibly do this without you. I've already sent out all the invitations!

[JOE, spoken]
Well... I dunno. I suppose I... could...

[NORMA, spoken]
Of course you could. And I want you to look... marvelous