Andrew Lloyd Webber
Scene: The Back Lot
T-H-E, E-N-D
I can't believe it, I finished my first script
Shouldn't we open some champagne?

The best I can offer is a stroll to the water cooler at the end of the lot

Sounds good to me
I love the back lot here
It's all cardboard, all hollow, all phony
All done with mirros
I think I love it better than any street in the world
I spent my childhood here

What were you?
Child actress?

No, but my family always expected me to become a great star
I had ten years of dramatic lessons, diction, dancing, everything you could think of
And then, the studio made a test

That is the saddest story I ever heard
Not at all
I was born two blocks from here
My father was head electrician at the studio until he died
And mother still works in wardrobe

Second generation, huh?

Third, grandma did stunt work

I guess it kind of is exciting, at that
Oh, finishing a script


Are you alright?


Something's a matter, isn't it?
I had a telegram from Artie

Is something wrong?

He wants me to come out to Tennessee
He says it would only cost two dollars to get married in Clinch

What's stopping you?
Now that we finished the script
You're getting married, isn't that what you wanted?

Not anymore

Don't you love Artie?

Of course I do
I'm just not in love with him anymore, that's all

Why not? What happened?
You did